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Upgrade error new version 1.6 line 140 | Forum

benjaminmcavoy Feb 15 '14
Notice: Use of undefined constant E_DEPRECATED - assumed 'E_DEPRECATED' in /home/ben007/public_html/tafoss.com/ow_core/error_manager.php on line 140

This is what I am getting when I try to access my site


Is there anyone that could help and assist with this..?

Thank you
ed claassen
ed claassen Feb 16 '14

AliiaJan 14

This notice appear because of your PHP version ( most likely your PHP version is lower then 5.3). 

1. Find out your version of PHP using steps 1,2,3 under "GD Library" section of this manual:http://docs.oxwall.org/faq:captcha-troubleshooting

2. If your version of PHP is lower then 5.3, check whether your hosting company can update it for you. 

If your host can not update PHP version to 5.3, open error_manager.php mentioned in your error notice and add "//" before following line:

           case E_DEPRECATED:

So overall you should have: 

            //case E_DEPRECATED:

benjaminmcavoy Feb 17 '14
Is there anyone out there I can pay for this to be fixed..?

Thank you
ross Team
ross Feb 17 '14
Benjamin it's not a good idea to duplicate your posts. 
ross Team
ross Feb 17 '14
I already provided you a solution in another post.