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how to change file size from 2MB to 10MB - Music Extreme | Forum

Ottoway Kenley
Ottoway Kenley Feb 16 '14
Hello, we purchased your plug in and enabled it on our site, however, when we try to download music, it says the file size is invalid.  We have tried to change it from 2 to larger, but it doesn't allow us to.  How can we change this
Roderick Feb 18 '14
Then you need to contact your hosting company and ask them, it seems your hosting is limited
Ottoway Kenley
Ottoway Kenley Feb 18 '14

This is in the script not the server... We have a lot of space on our server. (If I understand you correctly)

Roderick Feb 20 '14
No its not only in the script, your server has limits set by your hosted, i know because we are a hosting company on the side to ;)
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