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Click on mobile connect button for plugin and nothing happens. | Forum

Kris Corp
Kris Corp Feb 20 '14

Im having a small issue with my social network im building and im hoping someone can help me. I have a social media photo importer plugin with the theme facebook go. When you go to the desktop and use the program it works perfect. When you go on the phone and use the program and try to connect to facebook you cant connect. You try to click the connect button and nothing happens. Doesnt make any sense. Works perfect on the desktop but phones you cant click connect to sync the social network account with your oxwall profile. I have attached some photos. Site address is http://www.nivasocial.com

  Capture1.PNG (112.23Kb)
  Screenshot_2014-02-20-13-26-18.png (173.74Kb)
ross Team
ross Feb 20 '14
You need to contact plugin developer directly to resolve this issue. 
Kris Corp
Kris Corp Feb 20 '14
I did. Plugin and theme developer wont help me.
ross Team
ross Feb 21 '14
I can't help you with that either as this is third-party plugin. You can send a complaint on the developer here: moderation_team@oxwall.org
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Feb 26 '14
Hi Kris,

Is it the plugin you bought from Younetco ?