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anomalous access to -> /base/ping/index/ | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Luca P
Luca P Feb 20 '14
Hi all
last days, from my cpanel i've noticed an abnormal increasing of viewed number of a single page : /base/ping/index/.
You can see here :

Someone can help me to understandwhat is the cause, and aventually how decrease these accesses (this cause me problems with host service) ?
Thanks in advice.

I'm using these plugins :

Admin ToolBox
Smart Captcha
Cbox Widget
The Forum post is edited by Luca P Feb 20 '14
ross Team
ross Feb 21 '14
Demmy Wilson
Demmy Wilson Feb 24 '14
Dear Ross,

Instead of moving these posts from one place to another, is there any chance you can give us a slight hint as to what may be the problem? This is pretty serious stuff and judging by other posts on the forum, I'm sure a lot of people are very worried.

The more I read this forum and see so many posts taking days to be answered, I'm beginning to think I'll never get on top of Oxwall.

My guess would have been "Chat" but @luca p doesn't seem to be running it.

I'm sure I'm not alone.
ross Team
ross Feb 24 '14

These are not views, this is ping. 

The system send a request to check different things. 

1. the request whether the user is online. if the answer is positive, the user stays online if not, he will be automatically logged out. 

2. activity notifications - system pings, whether there are any friend requests, private messages, any other notifications. 

3. IM chat - pings whether the friends of a user are online in order to display/or not to/ them in a chat.  

Instant chat pings the server every 5 seconds. 

OW_InstantChat.Handler = function(){
    var self = this;    this.handlers = {};    this.pingTimeout = 5000;    this.sendInProcess = false;

Activity notifications plugin pings every 30 seconds - ow_system_plugins/base/components/console.php

$event = new OW_Event(BASE_CTRL_Ping::PING_EVENT . '.consoleUpdate');        OW::getEventManager()->trigger($event);
        $params = array(            'pingInterval' => 30000

Software as a whole pings every 60 seconds

ow_core/application.php :{            $activityUrl = OW::getRouter()->urlFor('BASE_CTRL_User', 'updateActivity');            $onloadJs .= "OW.getPing().addCommand('user_activity_update').start(600000);";        }

You can change those figures if you want to. 

The Forum post is edited by ross Feb 24 '14
Luca P
Luca P Feb 25 '14
Thanks to Demmy & Ross, I'll try it ! :)

Unfortunately my hosting service (SiteGround) set a strict limit for scripts executions and i'm trying all ways to reduce mine.

Luca P
Luca P Feb 25 '14
Quote from ross

Software as a whole pings every 60 seconds

ow_core/application.php :{            $activityUrl = OW::getRouter()->urlFor('BASE_CTRL_User', 'updateActivity');            $onloadJs .= "OW.getPing().addCommand('user_activity_update').start(600000);";        }

You can change those figures if you want to. 

Hi Ross, I have a doubt : the number "600000" in that piece of code is equal to 60 or 600 seconds ?

ross Team
ross Feb 25 '14
60 seconds
Roderick Jul 22 '14
Where and how can i change this? can't seem to find this.pingTimeout =
The Forum post is edited by Roderick Jul 22 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 22 '14
i would change hosts 
ross Team
ross Jul 22 '14
what software and messages versions do you have?
The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 22 '14
Roderick Jul 22 '14
1.7 so i can't seem to find above locations to change this.

@tammy, i run a vps server

The Forum post is edited by Roderick Jul 22 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 22 '14
base/ping/index/ should not be use much ram

if ram overloading is because of something else 

in whm look at top processes 

or command prompt   top

will show you whats eating your ram 

base/ping/index/ will use  bandwidth and php 

ross Team
ross Jul 22 '14

this.pingInterval = params.pingInterval || 5000;

Roderick Jul 22 '14
You mean: ow_plugins/mailbox/static/js/mailbox.js

And this should change my massive server load? is 50000 good?

tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 22 '14
3 to 5 seconds is the normal ping for just about every script if you change it to 50 sec
your users will get pissed at the time intervals between get and receive messages 

and as i said above ping will not use ram
Roderick Jul 22 '14
My hosting guy says that:

www.yoursexybikini.com:80 POST /base/ping/index/ HTTP/1.1

is the problem

tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 22 '14
you have vps go command prompt
login as root and type in 


will show you whats eating your ram 
ping will not use ram 
Roderick Jul 22 '14
I don't have have the knowhow to do this on my vps, my hosting reseller guy told me that www.yoursexybikini.com:80 POST /base/ping/index/ HTTP/1.1 was eating away my ram memory.

I had to deactivate the whole website now because of this, aaaah

Sean Jul 22 '14
Tammy, if there is an event that is bound to the ping event then it could very well eat up memory.

Roderick, it's difficult to know what the problem could be without seeing what requests are being sent to your server on ping.

tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 22 '14
Deactivate all plug in a and activate one at time b check your server load in whm  or even c panel u can see u r cup and ram usage 

Wait maybe 10 min between activate plug in 

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