Since I passed to 1.7.0 Messages plugin became too eager because included the chat feature.
I disabled the chat option from my Messages plugin, but my site still pings every 5 seconds and I can't afford this CPU cost with my hosting profile.
Then I edited the file ow_plugins/ajaxim/static/js/ajaxim.js as Ross suggested
OW_InstantChat.Handler = function(){
var self = this; this.handlers = {}; this.pingTimeout = 60000;
To 60 seconds but it still pings every 5 seconds.
Then I tried to edit the file ow_plugins/mailbox/static/mailbox.jsSetting the default for params.pingInterval to 60000 instead of 5000
OWMailbox.Application = function(params){
var self = this;
this.pingInterval = params.pingInterval || 60000;
But still pings every 5 seconds!!
The only way I got to remove this ping every 5 seconds was to deactivate Messages plugin at all.
How can I keep Private messages plugin without having this ping every 5 seconds?
Someone can help me?
I would like play with this value and see how the overall experience changes.
thank you