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Wrap in Box Problems | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
John Feb 21 '14
Can some kind person tell me which files and/or database fields are modified when the "Wrap in Box" option is selected? I'm assuming it will be the same file in each plugin or system plugin.

I'm testing on three servers and getting different results on all three. The problem exists with several templates I've tried.

Wrapping appears on some boxes, not on others and in the case of Groups, there's no wrapping or even a option to wrap on the first page. This looks weird.

I'd like to modify the files manually at worst, or find out why wrapping is inconsistent. In some cases where a few boxes were wrapped, I hit reset, then the wrap option won't work after that.

It may be an issue with permissions, but I did set all permissions as per posts in this forum.

Please Note: I am aware that you are meant to go to Admin/Pages & menus/Dashboard/Wrap in Box
or Mydomain.com/index/customize, but neither work consistently even after clearing the cache. I just get mixed results.

Any help at all will be appreciated.

The Forum post is edited by John Feb 22 '14
ross Team
ross Feb 23 '14

please specify, what browsers do you use, what oxwall version you have? which widgets exactly have this wrap problem?

John Mar 1 '14
I'm not ignoring you Ross, but the problem does differ from host to host.

However, Macabre is the worst culprit. I'm running 1.6 and Macabre's wrap in box doesn't work on anything anywhere.

1.6 is running on this server perfectly.

This is a clean install with several widgets (Plugins) deactivated. Notice the heading is missing from "Users Online".

Firefor, IEm Chrome (as in image) and all are identical.

I've flushed the cache.


  macabre.jpg (18.66Kb)
ross Team
ross Mar 3 '14
John, you probably expected that wrap in box will add a background like on a sidebar, but in case of this theme it just adds a line right under the widget title. You can test it by showing title and checking wrap in box option. It will add a line right under the title of the widget. Please confirm.
John Mar 4 '14
Ross I'm trying to find a JPG that inspired me to look at Macarbe in the first place. It's being very elusive. As soon as I find it I'll report back.


ross Team
ross Mar 4 '14
Ok, keep us updated.