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Suspended Item (theme 818) | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Daniele Feb 22 '14

I'm trying to put my theme in download area but I receive this message:"Suspended item: eliminate the reason for your item suspension and re-submit it." without other details. I tried to eliminate the reason sending a email but anybody responded.

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.


Den Team
Den Feb 24 '14

You should contact moderation team to evaluate the suspension's reason. 

Daniele Feb 27 '14
Thank you Den, the problem is how?
Den Team
Den Feb 27 '14
You can use contact form for that :) 

Choose in "To" field moderation team and send your request. 

Daniele Mar 3 '14
Hi Den, I wrote 3 times but no answers...I retried in this moment..
Den Team
Den Mar 3 '14

I believe the team will reply you as soon as they receive a message from you. 

Also, each time an item is suspended, a moderator will indicate an exact reason of suspension and send it to your email. So, please, make sure you have checked your email and spam box. 


Daniele Mar 7 '14
Hi Den, I checked my email and spam box but no answers...it's impossible to understand because my theme has been suspended!!! Do you have another idea?