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Younetco Support is the Worst for their Plugins | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Feb 27 '14
Okay, its been 7/8 months since i bought Plugins from Younetco totalling to $60 +/- ( R700 ) in my currency. And all i got was excuse after excuse and blaming Oxwall for their plugins not working, each time i contact them i get :

1. There is errors on your site ( Got them fixed )
2. There is Errors with your Facebook API ( Got it fixed )
3. There is Errors on your Newsfeed ( Oxwall fixed )
4. There is Errors with your Cron ( Oxwall / My Host Fixed it )
5. They blame other Developer's plugin for conflicting with their plugins even though those other developer's are working very well on my site without issues ( SLIDER & SMILEYS ) and not once they gave me issues and when the smiley wasn't working well they Developer fixed it for me to be compatible....But Younetco tells me i must fix these errors on my own as if i know what errors are those because im not a developer.

Up to a point their plugin ( Social Stream / Ultimate News ) crashed my site after the 1.6 Upgrade.... Allie from Oxwall Fixed the site for me still they plugins didnt work.

Ross also help, see topic here : http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/16265

Still Today Younetco after reply to them with this a month ago they said they will refund or exchange but today another month has ended still and i was told i cant get a refund nor an exchange but they will try to fix it or update their plugins which was last week and i when will that be as they are refusing refund nor exchange even though they promised still today its the end of another week they haven't responded to me.

So in a case like this....What must one do....im sur ei have 50 Tickets with them for the same issue going back and forward without any resolution. :(

Has oxwall become a quick scheme money making machine for developers to sell crap plugins that they dont want to offer support for ?
ross Team
ross Feb 27 '14
Please, send your request here: moderation_team@oxwall.org they will try to assist you. 
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Feb 28 '14
Thanks Ross, i have emailed
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 2 '14
same i have been pull my hair out with younett   and get the same answers as above and when prove to them that its there plugin that just dont work they still will not fix it 
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Mar 2 '14
Now they dont reply to my support tickets no more Younetco....Im so angry right now !!!
YouNetCo Mar 4 '14
Webster Molaudi,

As checked back the ticket and all conversation related to issue with Social Stream and Ultimate News, we replied quite clearly that we are working with Moderation Team of OxWall - to make sure if the issue reported in http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/16265 is a conflict between our Product and OxWall default Core component. In case it's 3rd party vendor modules conflict "Attachment", "Smileys", "Slide" etc. we won't be responsible for the conflict but will take it as suggestion to improve later. 

And there is no refund issued in this case since our product has worked well since the first day you purchased - last year. In case it's a core conflict, we are willing to upgrade our module for OxWall 1.6 to fix this issue.

@Ross: as message to you twice, kindly help us if it's really core conflict by reply our message.



Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Mar 4 '14
@ Younetco....When will that be as i have been waiting for months and your plugin isnt working, its like im paying for cellphone contract but i have no reception :( You said you will upgrade but the way you are explaining in this thread is you dont know how to fix your own plugins issues.

1. I dont use Attachment plugin
2. I only use Smiley Plugin
3. Ultimate news & Social News have been as issue since day 1 when i bought them

Im sure there is a handful of site owners who have issues with your plugins
YouNetCo Mar 12 '14

Just would like to make sure everyone got the right information.


rossMar 6Webster, when I said, the problem with the JS code of some third-party plugin, I didn't mean that exactly the Younetco plugins caused that, some of your installed third-party plugins, which exactly I can't tell for sure. 

In this case I recommend you to deactivate plugins one by one to see which one causes that error. 



tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 12 '14
@YouNet Company

8 months now since i bought contact importer

and from day one it has not worked and you response  are we will look into it 
i have suggested ways to fix it 
your response was i can pay you extra for that feature 
what a load of bullshit is not a feature it get ur stuffed up pugin to actual dam well work

8 months since i bought social login

and still it works stupid and dose just about nothing that it should do
i have suggested how to fix it and make it work  

your response is i can pay you to make that feature 
now come on really you want customers to pay to get the plugin to work

8 months since i bought social media inporter

it does not work on mobiles or tablets 
im am not talking mobile theme i am talking mobile responsive themes nothing but a desktop works 

easy to fix is problem in ccs but once again your response was i can pay to get this feature

the last 2 months we have been asking any update on fixing the plugins 

and when or if theirs a response its always we are looking into it 

contact importer my suggested fixes would not take a programmer that knows the plugin script more then 2 hours to do 4 or 5 for someone who does not know know the plugin

social login my suggested fixes would not take a programmer that knows the plugin script and how facebook api works more then 4 hours to do 6 or 7 for someone who does not know the plugin

social media inporter to fix the ccs would not take a programmer that knows the plugin script more then 30 minutes to do 1 hour for someone who does not know the plugin

put all that together and it makes this statement a complete load of stinking crap

YouNet is a leading niche social network consulting company with more than 120 engineers. We offer full services for Oxwall including Consulting, Plugins, Templates and Customization. With more than 4 years of experience, having completed 400+ social projects, we are the best partner for your success.
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 12 '14
@YouNet Company

and i just went to look if you answer any thing on your ticket system
and the tickets that you made for me to help and sujest fixess to your stuffed up plugins
remember you made the tickets and because you have not answers anything in over 10 days the tickets have been closed wtf
pull your heads in and treat customers right
and there should not be any external ticket systems everything should be done on here so anyone thinking of buying your stuffed up plugins can read that you offer stuff all customer support and are not willing to even fix your stuffed up plugins

and oxwall seriously you have  YouNet Company as premium support 
YouNetCo Apr 13 '14

It's clearly features suggestions and we already have notes for them. Many of our users do suggest as well, and all are taken into account once we do upgrade our plugin when it's a time.

So far, we have upgrade three plugins.

Regarding to the ticket is auto closed due to 10 days we were waiting for your information, it's a reminder and you can easily reopen it by just reply on it.



The Forum post is edited by YouNetCo Apr 13 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 14 '14
YouNet Company
thanks so much for the Social Connect  plugin update
the use quick method to join works great and makes the plugin usable
and will take the confusion out of joining
it still needs the ability to post to the fb walls of the user that joins 
ie   this website is cool iv joined come and join in the fun {site url }
but that can come latter is not important as getting the other plugins to work 

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Apr 15 '14
Well at least you got helped as for me i still have got helped....Everyone keeps saying its javascript errors but till today they cant say what or which javascript errors.
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 15 '14
Quote from Webster Molaudi Well at least you got helped as for me i still have got helped....Everyone keeps saying its javascript errors but till today they cant say what or which javascript errors.

just deactivate all plugins and see if it works 
if it does then actiavte a few and see if still works and so on untill u find the problem