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Invite Online Site [Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Adam Thiele
Adam Thiele Mar 2 '14
Hello, I am currently in the process of building my Oxwall website and I want to restrict user registration to only invite by site admins. I would like to have a way a user can only register if I send them a personal invite or with a registration key that I generate. This is something I only would like to user during the construction of my website until I release it. Does anyone know how I can do this?

P.S I see that I can have the site in maintenance mode, but I do not want the site to be unseen by people, but rather just restrict user registration.

On that same note, by doing this I can restrict guests to view only certain areas of the site correct?

The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 2 '14
MarkieMark67 Mar 2 '14
You can set your site to INVITE only. Find this in admin/permissions Just check By invite only, and to hide content from view you will find this option in admin/permissions/roles
John Mar 2 '14
Hi Adam, the first thing you should do is create a site on a hosted server and play, like you did when you were a kid. Just hit every button and see what it does. All the things you ask are built into the program because thousands of people like yourself want these features.

As Markie said, you can set the site up to allow anyone to sign up, or invitees who you can email from the site itself. See Admin/Users/Browse Users/Invite New Members. While there Look at Suspended and Unverified, they also have important tasks.

Who you allow to join is located in Admin/Privacy & Permissions/Global Privavy

From the outset, two types of users can access the site (Free and Guest). Both are set up in Admin/Users/User Rolls/Permissions (This last link is at the bottom of the page). Guests have very limited access, but you can make it so they can't even get in. Then you can restrict what free members see from a massive list. Be warned that his list grows as you add more plugins so you must come back and set the permissions for that plugin. You can then create any number of different user roles such as silver, gold, admin etc and give them all kinds of different access privileges. You can have it that some can see photos and some can't.

It's all there and just clicking on each Admin Icon produces menus which often have multiple choices.

So, on your new account create two or three roles, add two or three users and play. You can change a user's role back and forth by going to the Users profile and clicking the Role button near his Avatar. Only Admin(s) can see this button.

As the creator of the site you have full privileges. DO NOT assume that because you can see something, everyone else can see it too. That's not the case and it won't be apparent until you log off and sign in as a user with lessor privileges.

HINT: If you have two or three browsers, you can log on as two or three users (one on each browser) and send messages to each other or compare what each user can see.

Oxwall can be set up a million ways and your most demanding needs can possibly be met.

Maintenance mode closes the entire site down except for you. It won't do what you want.

New User John
The Forum post is edited by John Mar 2 '14
Adam Thiele
Adam Thiele Mar 2 '14
Thank you everyone. For the invite email, how can I edit this email. I seen its so basic and could be confused as spam. 

This is what it said (Site Removed)


We invite you to join our website - SITENAMEBLOCKED .
Please register HERE LINK


The Forum post is edited by Adam Thiele Mar 2 '14
Adam Thiele
Adam Thiele Mar 2 '14
I would also like to edit the sign up page text at the top of the site. I would like to edit where it says Join our Community and the text that says

Join our fast-growing community. Find new friends, date up, share photo and video. Enjoy!

  dfefef8cd83781347fef46a850888aa1.png (13.07Kb)
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 2 '14
go to admin language and past the words from the page in and search them then you can change to what you want 

ross Team
ross Mar 2 '14
Adam, please one question per topic. John, thank you for detailed answer +1

I'm going to mark this post as Solved. 

The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 2 '14