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Error when removing and readding widgets[] | Forum

Joseph Mar 11 '14
I was removing and adding some widgets to pages when I found this bug. I have spoke with a developer here on oxwall who says this is an oxwall issue and has been able to reproduce the bug.

I noticed this when in the admin panel for groups I removed a widget from the global settings and then when I went to put it back this error came up 

The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 13 '14
ross Team
ross Mar 12 '14
Have you changed the widget place in this table ow_base_component_place if not, please go to your phpmyadmin and see whether the widget you're trying to add is in the right place by matching the number in the placeID column
Joseph Mar 12 '14
this was a brand new install and this has been Confirmed as a bug on more than one site I was testing a new plugin for Purusothaman
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
which plugin? 
Joseph Mar 13 '14
its the new unreleased plugin cbox for groups 
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
ok. I'm going to mark this post as Solved then. 
Joseph Mar 13 '14
how is it solved?
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
I'm sorry you said that this bug is related to unreleased plugin. Am I correct?
Joseph Mar 13 '14
no the bug was discovered while testing it however after further testing it happened with other widgets as well
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
Ok, as I said earlier please go to your phpmyadmin  ow_base_component_place and see whether the widget you're trying to add is in the right place by matching the number in the placeID column
The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 13 '14
Joseph Mar 13 '14
Well I know how to match the Id's but I am not sure exactly how to do what you are saying its one of few things I have not done in the database before
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
well PlaceID 1 is for dashboard, 2 for index page 3 for profile page. The widget has the word index/profile/dashboard in its name. Just see if the widget is in the right place and actually exist
Joseph Mar 14 '14
ok well also it seems everytime i create a new custom HTML widget the same error occurs and I will look into this