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User goes to login, and is logged in another users profile..[Solved] | Forum

Roderick Mar 12 '14
I have something strange..

One user logs in with her username and password, but then shows being logged in as another user.. and if i try under my admin account to login as this person, realy strange things happen.. One moment im logged in under her account, then back to my admin account, and i cannot log out anymore..

Anybody have this before?

The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 13 '14
ross Team
ross Mar 12 '14
Please PM me your domain and your admin details, please?
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
Roderick I'm sorry but I can't reproduce this error on your website everytime I go to the admin profile and able to log out without any problems. 
Roderick Mar 13 '14
Hi Ross, like i said in the PM you did not read all the way thru, login as another user and try to navigate around the website and try to logout.
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
Nothing happens Roderick, still no problems. Logged in as user yummerica, visit gallery, hot or not other sections of the website and successfully logged out. 
Roderick Mar 13 '14
She send me an email saying: sometimes when i login i come up as cheekysydneysider, and he sent me a message saying that sometimes he logs in and it comes up as me!  how can this be fixed?I checked this and im getting mixed logins to, when i login as yummyerica al goes crazy, and i cannot logout anymore. these two users have the same problem, what can cause this to happen?
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 13 '14
first place i would look is in databass because is only problem with 2 users and not every user and see if something went wrong with both users like some how have same email or password 
Roderick Mar 13 '14
Problem solved: My hosting guys had installed something called "Varnish" on my server, causing massive errors on all oxwall sites.