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Registration form can't display correct fields! | Forum

Zenun Mar 13 '14
Hello, I am totally new to Oxwall. I installed it two days before and I am finding it quite a good software. But I am having some stability issues. The registration form is not getting displayed correctly. In some cases it displays some fields and  in another case hides (or does not show) some others. Below I have attached two print-screens done in Firefox and Chrome one after the other. It doesn't really depend on browser as even within the same browser after an Apache restart, the fields change again.

Firstly I had the problem listed in http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/16087 and I solved it accordingly. But still the situation is the same. Can anyone help please?
  Capture1.PNG (14Kb)
  Capture2.PNG (17.4Kb)
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
Do you use Xampp or any other live server?
Zenun Mar 13 '14
Yes I use AMPPS, the same with XAMPP
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
Yes, we have reported this bug, our developers are taking care of this issue. As soon as I get reply I'll get back to you. 
Zenun Mar 13 '14
Thank you for your support, but is there a workaround for this? Can I do anything to continue to work these days as I have a scheduling and I choose Oxwall for my project.. it seems it wasn't the right decision..
Zenun Mar 13 '14
Is this related to the web server? Should I use another web server?
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
Yes, it works fine on other servers like WAMP
Zenun Mar 13 '14
Thanks, I will try and replay again :)
Zenun Mar 13 '14
Everything fine with WAMPP, thank you for your support :)
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
No problem. I'll let you know when the problem with XAMPP is resolved. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 13 '14
ox-fr.org Aug 28 '14

So, now it works fine?

Thank you