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uploading transparent backgrounds (.png) have black background[Answered] | Forum

Hybrid Mar 13 '14

I would like to ask why this is occurring and am concerned if its a bug relating to the original framework design...

When users and/or myself (admin) upload images that are (.png's) with transparent backgrounds - it uploads them fine, but those type of images loose it's transparency and ends up having a black background where it should be transparent...

Could someone shed some light on this or help me to get this resolved?  It would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,


The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 17 '14
ross Team
ross Mar 13 '14
Can you please share those images? and specify where do you upload them?
Hybrid Mar 13 '14
Users (including myself) upload pngs as avatars, and I have also done so with uploading pngs as the main group pic avatar.  Even uploading pngs to my photos do this.

I read somewhere its because all images when being uploaded get re-sized and then re-saved as a jpg.  But I'm not a fan of this and neither are my users...So how would I go about fixing this to make all pngs be pngs, gifs as gifs and jpgs as jpgs when uploading images to the site...?


I'd like for pngs that have a transparent background - upload and keep that transparency background instead of changing the format all together and giving it a black background...


Example of what the image looks like after it has been uploaded...


This is what is should look like:


The Forum post is edited by Hybrid Mar 13 '14
ross Team
ross Mar 14 '14
This happens because of the photo plugin as well as other plugins using GD library, it resizes images and convert them to jpeg automatically as it is more stable to use. 

Please read this post: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/10663 Also, please do the forum search before posting. 

Hybrid Mar 14 '14
So I take it this is something you guys don't plan on fixing or changing?

I read that forum topic but it really wasn't that helpful.  All it stated was that if we want to change the black background to modify the code in the wideimage file - If this can be done, why doesn't oxwall support this more?  Where pngs are pngs and are not converted to jpgs upon uploading images etc...?

I'm just curious is all - do you plan on making a fix for this or simply leaving it as is?

ross Team
ross Mar 17 '14
Yes, of course we plan to use another methods of using GD library, but this will be included in the future in one of the upcoming releases. Meanwhile, you can place a suggestion on uservoice. 
Hybrid Mar 17 '14
Looking forward to this upcoming release ;)

And what do you mean by I can place a suggestion on "uservoice"...what is uservoice?

ross Team
ross Mar 18 '14
Uservoice it's a place where you can make a suggestion for a software feature or design or some other tweaks. The suggestion which gets most of votes, will be considered by our team for development.  http://oxwall.uservoice.com/forums/13756-ideas-for-oxwall
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