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Add just html - Advertisement | Forum

Erik Mar 19 '14
When I add just a simple html <img src="" > the banner doesn't show up? is there a way to fix this?
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Mar 25 '14
 First of all, to create your own advertisement banner - you should create a banner picture using an image editor (for ex: Photoshop).
Then you should share it on the Internet. You can upload the image to your network via Admin Area > Edit Theme > Graphics, and then use the following banner code by adding the link you received after uploading:
<a href="YOUR_SITE_URL"><img src="URL_RECEIVED_AFTER_UPLOADING" border=0 alt="SITE_TITLE" /></a>
To create a simple link - you can use the following code:
Wondell Jun 10 '14
So I shouldn't use Adsense with this? because it's not working at all now that I've added all adsense banners to it
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Jun 12 '14
It works with Adsesne, please provide a code you used.
Ryan Schostag
Ryan Schostag Jul 4 '14
When I add the code:

<a href="http://bluetax.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://posdit.com/graphics/bluetaxbannerad.png" alt="Tax Resolution for debt over $10,000" width="100%" height="92">

..it works on all devices and computers.

When I add the code:

<a href="http://bluetax.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://posdit.com/graphics/bluetaxbannerad.png" alt="Tax Resolution for debt over $10,000" width="100%" height="100%">

...the ad only shows on computers and laptops.

I'd like to know how to also make the height responsive and appear on devices. Please help. Thank you!
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