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Seding Private Message Requires captcha? | Forum

Gayla Worrell
Gayla Worrell Mar 19 '14
I have a member who can't send a private message because when she clicks the send button, she gets a captcha pop up but no matter what she types in, it says it's incorrect.

She has not sent a private message to anyone in the last couple of days.  She can reply to messages she has received but can not initiate a new private message to anyone.

The captcha screen she gets is the basic one included with Oxwall.  We run reCaptcha for member registrations.

Any idea how we can fix this for her?
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 19 '14
I dont think re captch is for regestration its just for send messages n stuff try de activate the plugin   captcha should be still on join but not in send messages
ross Team
ross Mar 19 '14
Tammy +1
bobbi Mar 19 '14
i get the captcha on private messages from time to time it is something that has always been there, before i had to start my site agAin it was a original migration from wall fm and even when it was with wall fm we used to get the captcha on pms now and again, the captcha message us worded something like it is checking you are human ......
The Forum post is edited by bobbi Mar 19 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 20 '14
woooohoooooooooooo i got a +1

ross Team
ross Mar 20 '14
Bobbi and Gaiya, can you please, PM me your admin details? I'll take a look at your problem
The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 20 '14