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Oxwall Spam Accounts | Forum

Sen Projects
Sen Projects Mar 25 '14
Hi guys,

Any idea how to fight spam users? Even if we will restore our demo site every 24 hours the spam bots are creating spam accounts with in the 24 hours period and having spam accounts in demo site is not neat for the visitors.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Sen Projects
Sen Projects Mar 25 '14
Hi guys,

Thank you for the information, we will try those options.

Have a great day.

Sen Projects
Sen Projects Mar 26 '14
After installing Smart Captcha and External noFollow our demo site is still being populated by spam accounts at about 100 spam accounts per day. Very frustrating :(
Sen Projects
Sen Projects Mar 26 '14
That is the last option we are thinking of. But it is really nice to give visitors the freedom to create their accounts.


John Apr 1 '14
Most of the demo sites I've come across update every thirty minutes or every hour. There must be a reason for that.

Give them their half/hour of glory and maybe they'll decide it's not worth the effort. At least you know you're wasting their time.

omer Aug 26 '14
how it be 
Quote from Leon K Have you ever tried a required custom profile field, just a yes or no question like "are you a human?"
This would also tell you if the spammers are humans or bots as bots would not be able to check the box at first

well.. how can i enter true answer? where i can entry?

omer Aug 26 '14
Hi leok K,

thanks, i understand that but i am asking for a different question (as native) and i want to who register know that answer?