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Trying to tweak the Links page... | Forum

Stephen F Roberts
Stephen F Roberts Mar 26 '14
I installed the links plugin and am trying to figure out how it builds the links page.

I can see bits of it scattered around several php bits. 

I wanted to tweak the layout, possibly putting some static content on the right side, but I can not figure out where the view comes from.

ow_plugins/links/views/controllers/view_index.html seems to be the one I want to modify, but when I make changes to that page and upload nothing changes.

(side project of learning how plugins work by taking one apart... starting on the plugin docs also).

Alia Team
Alia Apr 2 '14
Stephen, whenever you are editing .html files make sure to enable DEV_MODE in ow_includes/config.php. This will clean site's cache and you will be able to see your changes.  Don't forget to disable this mode once you are done testing.

Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Apr 29 '14
Either doesn't matter, they will both work as follows:

.ow_links.clearfix {
background: url("/200px-Lucifer_KHBBS.png") no-repeat scroll right 300px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)}


div.ow_links {
background: url("/200px-Lucifer_KHBBS.png") no-repeat scroll right 300px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)}

Sample outcome

These codes will be as input at "Edit CSS" section of www.yoursite.com/admin/theme/css

The Forum post is edited by Kяuncн Apr 29 '14