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specific pages only for paid members - Paid Membership | Forum

Alex Thorn
Alex Thorn Mar 27 '14

does this plugin allow you to protect only certain pages???

for instance if I have a movie section and I want people to pay monthly or per movie can I protect only those pages and leave all other pages and features free????





Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Mar 31 '14
Alex, this plugin is connected to standard "User Roles" feature Oxwall has. You can limit only those actions that are available under permissions for each user role (www.sitename.com/admin/permissions/roles/).

Alex Thorn
Alex Thorn Apr 3 '14

yup that will work


Alex Thorn
Alex Thorn Apr 3 '14

hmmmmm, I just looked at the user roles and I don't know if this is going to work.

here is the question again with a bit more clarification.

I have RTMP Servers on which I have a large number of movies stores for Video on Demand and Payper view.

So I have created a movie section on the site located here:
so as you can see for each movie I just create a new page and embed the player in that page with the information of writer director stars etc..., they are not video page pages.

I have over 45,000 movies I am now uploading to my servers and I want to build pages for each movie and charge people subscriptions to watch the movies, but the movie pages cannot be limited by roles management,

this is not an option when creating the page for each movie the only options are:
restricting visible for members and guests. Not for subscribers.

Question is:

with the monetization plugin will it (for members, guests and subscribers) become an visibility option when creating new pages???


Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Apr 7 '14
Alex, have you considered using "Video" plugin instead of creating separate pages for each video?
Our plugin can't control custom pages. However you can tie "View video" user role permission to only certain membership, thus encouraging user to subscribe to it to watch videos.

The Forum post is edited by Skalfa LLC Apr 7 '14
Alex Thorn
Alex Thorn Apr 9 '14

no that won't work, users should be able to add videos and other users should be able to view them for free.

why not just just modify the plugin to also add a check box that "make page visible to subscribers Only" on the "create page" function which only Admin can add pages.

that would be easier and more useful to admins in creating a subscription portion to the community and would allow revenue share deals with other third party content providers.

that is the proper solution and would greatly enhance the community's utility to generate revenues.


Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Apr 10 '14
Alex, your suggestion is great and I agree that it would have been perfect solution in your case. However implementing this will require modifications not within our plugin, but mostly within Oxwall's core. As mentioned earlier our plugin is connected to "User Roles" feature Oxwall has. So changes needs to be done within "User Roles" and plus within the way custom pages are created.  Oxwall team accepts suggestions here: http://oxwall.uservoice.com/forums/13756-ideas-for-oxwall . Would be great if you could add yours there as well.
Alex Thorn
Alex Thorn Jun 10 '14

ok thanks, I think I have it figured out.



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