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Go back to site while waiting for email [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
MK Mar 28 '14

When a new user registers they get to the page that sends the email verification. Problem is while they are waiting for that email to arrive they can no longer browse the website.

Is there any way to change that?

The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 31 '14
bobby Mar 28 '14
Email Settings

Confirm email When turned on users will have to verify email addresses before accessing the site.

turn off
The Forum post is edited by bobby Mar 28 '14
MK Mar 28 '14

If I turn that off am I inviting spam.

As I typed that it occurred to me that if I have approve user turned on that I can still prevent unwanted people from posting while not restricting someone from the site until they are approved.

ross Team
ross Mar 31 '14
Yes, MK if you check Mandatory approve, then you can more or less control who joins your website. 
MK Mar 31 '14
Thanks. So far everything else is working well. I am looking forward to building my little community.
ross Team
ross Mar 31 '14
I'm going to mark this post as Answered