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New member cant click verify link in emal. | Forum

Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Mar 29 '14

I have had multiple new members say they can not click the link to verify email.

I email them and ask if they got the invite, they reply with this
" yes, but for some reason it will not allow us to click any link or verify our account."

I tested it in yahoo mail it was ok on my end, but most gmail users have problems.
ross Team
ross Mar 30 '14
Please read this post it is related to your issue: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/11727
Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Mar 31 '14
I use the older yahoo, but my customers with gmail are having the largest issue.
My rest has not given me any problems. I did a search for Invitation and didn't find anything
they all say they get a email that looks like the attached
  mod fhc invite.jpeg (21.41Kb)
Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Mar 31 '14
Ipod/Iphone is a problem maybe more then email provider.
ross Team
ross Mar 31 '14
Ez Street, I checked invitations sent to my gmail e-mail account the links are clickable. There's something wrong with the settings of your e-mail account. Yahoo also works well, link is clickable. 
Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Apr 1 '14
its not my email account( works for me ) its over 25 other would be members
ross Team
ross Apr 2 '14
I understand that, the only thing I can say related to the issue is that the software sends mails both in txt and html, all parameters and headers are ok as well, which is why the links should be clickable.However we can't say for sure how e-mail client will process these e-mails. 
Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Apr 2 '14
 I changed the settings to anyone can join, and have to have my approval. Ipod with just the url still get this. see attached
Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Apr 2 '14
attached this time
  ipod.jpg (94.34Kb)
Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Apr 2 '14
Got my android back today, same deal. No signup option on the Mobile.
ross Team
ross Apr 3 '14
I'm sorry I don't understand you want your members to join via Mobile version?
Mr Ez Street
Mr Ez Street Apr 3 '14
 I started sending them a link to the site to "join"....based on the % of people cant click on the invitation I sent them. A lot of folks are mobile. They can not sign up on iphone/ipad or android based off what I have found. Is this right?
ross Team
ross Apr 3 '14
Yes, this is how it works now. There's no sign-up via mobile browser