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Redirect404Exception - default_route.php [SOLVED] | Forum

Sean Apr 8 '14
Hi there,

I've made a subdomain for a test site - so I can test my plugins with 1.6 before I upgrade. 

I've copied everything, made a test db and edited the config.php to have the new details, but when I browse the site I get this error:

OW Debug - ExceptionMessage:File:/home/owned/public_html/trythis/ow_core/default_route.phpLine:109Trace:#0 /home/owned/public_html/trythis/ow_core/router.php(335): OW_DefaultRoute->getDispatchAttrs('http://trythis....') #1 /home/owned/public_html/trythis/ow_plugins/ofhidecontactdetails/init.php(4): OW_Router->route() #2 [internal function]: hideContactInformation(Object(OW_Event)) #3 /home/owned/public_html/trythis/ow_core/event_manager.php(188): call_user_func('hideContactInfo...', Object(OW_Event)) #4 /home/owned/public_html/trythis/ow_core/response.php(181): OW_EventManager->trigger(Object(OW_Event)) #5 /home/owned/public_html/trythis/ow_core/application.php(429): OW_Response->respond() #6 /home/owned/public_html/trythis/index.php(83): OW_Application->returnResponse() #7 {main}Type:Redirect404Exception

Sadly this does not tell me what is causing the problem and nothing is in the error log, any ideas?

The Forum post is edited by Sean Apr 9 '14
Sean Apr 8 '14
Okay, I've disabled the 'ofhidecontactdetails' plugin, and then I get the same error with the CountryFlag Plugin.

It seems to happen when a plugin runs the command: OW::getRouter()->route()

I don't know why.

Sean Apr 8 '14

I disabled both plugins that were using OW::getRouter()->route() in their init.php files.

The site now loads, but every link I click says Error 404 page not found.

When you hover over the links, the correct links are displayed.

I have modified my config.php file to also show the new sub domain url. I don't understand why this is happening :/

The Forum post is edited by Sean Apr 8 '14
ross Team
ross Apr 9 '14
Sean can you please share your URL?
Sean Apr 9 '14
Of course, but be warned - it's an adult site dealing with gay fetishes lol

My main live site is www.ownedfags.com

My test site this isn't working is trythis.ownedfags.com

ross Team
ross Apr 9 '14
on which site you have the above-mentioned problems with the links?
Sean Apr 9 '14
Don't worry, it seems to be working this morning, I think it was to do with DNS not propagating!
ross Team
ross Apr 9 '14
I'm sorry I don't understand, you don't have 404 problem or do?
Sean Apr 9 '14
No not anymore, it seems to be working fine.

I think it may have been because the sub-domain DNS had not propagated. 

ross Team
ross Apr 9 '14
Ok, thanks