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Email notification of new forum topics and events created | Forum

Kevin Dommer
Kevin Dommer Apr 9 '14
My Oxwall site is for a HOA (approx. 30 members max).  One issue I am having is that understandably, people rarely sign in to check around for new posts.  While they have the option to get email notifications on subscribed topics, they have no way of knowing if someone has created a NEW topic in the forum.

Is it possible to send an email every week or so if there are any unsubscribed topics that are newer than their last sign-in date?  Obviously this should only apply for forums they are permitted to view (there is one forum that is viewable only for members with certain user roles).

I can probably figure it out on my own if someone could point me to where this should be done, and if it is even possible to iterate through all forum post dates and member log-in dates.

As a bonus, it would be nice to be able to send an email for new events created since last login too.  Currently when I create an event I do not invite members yet until a few days before hand.  My reason for this is because there is no reminder option so the invitation serves as a reminder.  :)

Thanks in advance!

P.S.  I saw a paid plugin that can send an email after x number of days with no activity.  Would it be possible for me to modify that plugin to do what I want instead of just blindly sending an email even if nothing new has happened on the website?

Graham May 6 '14
Great idea Kevin, I'm very interested in this too.
Heri Bender
Heri Bender Aug 3 '14
Me too very interested into this feature.

Additionally there should be a notification possibility to the admin if a new user registers in order that he can be approved promptly.

I propose to add following chekboxes to the Preferences/Notifications page:

- someone creates or changes a:

-> blog entry

-> link

-> forum entry

-> event

- someone answers a forum entry

- someone writes a comment (on anything)

- someone posts a photo

- someone posts a video

If you like this idea go to 


and vote for it!

The Forum post is edited by Heri Bender Aug 3 '14