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users cannot be eliminated | Forum

andres Apr 9 '14


someone will be able to help me to solve the following topic what it spends esque I cannot eliminate any users when I realize it 500 throws me error

since I will be able to solve this topic

The Forum post is edited by andres Apr 9 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 10 '14
i have the same problem and is to do with photo plugin 
when you click delete profile only one profile pic at a time gets removed
if the user has 3 photos on there profile 
on try delete the i get error 500 
click go back a page 
click delete again 
error 500 again 
click back a page and click delete again 
and i have to repeat 3 times until the user gets deleted

if a user has 10 profile photos then the process is very painful

Alia Team
Alia Apr 17 '14
Topic was moved from General Chat.
ross Team
ross Apr 17 '14
Andres, enable debug mode to see the actuall error, copy it here, so we could assist you with that.