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Users get stuck during registration, theme error ? | Forum

Arno Apr 18 '14
Hello there,

After searching, reading and not finding the answer, please try and resolve this issue with me.

When user sign up for my site and hit the green sign up button, they are redirected to the next page with e-mail verification box. On the top two green infoboxes popup and fade out telling the new user that all is succesfull.....but then...nothing happens.

The page we were just directed to (email box, and message above) stays and does not autoclose or redirect to index or login... Neither can the users navigate back by retyping the index url.

The only way to get back is, close browser and re-navigate.

Yes, i know that the users email verification is on, i need it to be, but why is the page stuck.

I had some "unable to stat" errors calling for a index php that was not at an expected location and fixed that by creating a index.php redirect where it was looked for. This did not solve my problem !

Secondary there seem to be some errors in the theme i use: link to theme .

I found following errors, al dated today in my logs.

[Wed Apr 16 21:33:53 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /data/www/fiat/htdocs/wall/ow_static/themes/showcase_withsidebar/images/photo_list_item_thumb.png, referer: http://www.mysite.nl/wall/photo ;

(mysite altered)


[Thu Apr 17 23:08:40 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /data/www/fiat/htdocs/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png[Thu Apr 17 23:08:40 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /data/www/fiat/htdocs/apple-touch-icon.png

The theme asks for a file in a wrong location, ow is installed in subdirectory wall under htdocs/ so the url seems incomplete.


[Fri Apr 18 15:07:23 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /data/www/fiat/htdocs/wall/ow_static/plugins/base/css/Jcrop.gif, referer: http://www.mysite.nl/...css/jquery.Jcrop.css

Might it alle be theme related ?

ross Team
ross Apr 21 '14
This is how it works if you set to confirm users e-mail, they can't enter the website unless they do that. 

As to the file does not exist problem, contact theme developer please. 

Arno Apr 21 '14

Thank you for the reply Ross.

Maybe its strange but why don't the users get relayed back to the index (as guest) after mails have been send out. It now seems like the software is stuck on a form, even more because there is a send button while the mails have already been send out....

Turned email verification of for now because some of my users don't get it....

Thanks !

ross Team
ross Apr 22 '14
You can make a suggestion on uservoice about that.