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Widget on homepage - Advanced Poker | Forum

Kali Apr 22 '14

So far the widget is only visible on the dashboard if I'm not mistaken, would it be possible to make it appear on the homepage or the profile page? Would it be a lot of work? If you are not willing to do it, could you direct me at least to the files that need modification?

Thank you :)
Purusothaman Ramanujam
In the plugin's folder, you can see activate.php file


Deactivate and activate again
The Forum post is edited by Purusothaman Ramanujam Apr 22 '14
Kali Apr 26 '14
If I change this line I get a blank page when I try to reactivate it again. I tried to unistall and reinstall it but same problem...
Purusothaman Ramanujam
May be some typo error. Remove the changes that you made.. then we can begin from begining.
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