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How to reset profile customization [Solved] | Forum

Stephanie Apr 22 '14
Testing code, a profile accidently got set to show no content, so accessing the customization is still blank.

Is there a way in cPanel to revert the profile.

The Forum post is edited by ross Apr 29 '14
ross Team
ross Apr 23 '14
What do you mean your were testing code? What exactly you did before it stopped showing content?
Stephanie Apr 23 '14
So the user did 





Where is the customization saved in the cPanel? Because it should be somewhere in the server right? Or should I just have the user remake their profile? 

Stephanie Apr 23 '14
They made a custom HTML box and put CSS in it
ross Team
ross Apr 23 '14
it is in the ow_base_component_entity_setting` table
John Apr 23 '14
The best thing you can do is ban the user instantly. Anyone who does things like that should NOT be a member of any social networking site.

Hopefully Ross can get you off the hook, but your member isn't worth the time of day.
Stephanie Apr 23 '14
It's for making their profile how they want to look. I myself do it. It's just someone unskilled. Limiting someone's creativity, is just bad taste when it comes to owning a site.

More specifically for my RP website. Where profile is where they express their characters

The Forum post is edited by Stephanie Apr 23 '14
Stephanie Apr 23 '14
Quote from ross it is in the ow_base_component_entity_setting` table

All right, So I've found that file. But what do I edit?
ross Team
ross Apr 23 '14
find the row with the code and delete it
Stephanie Apr 24 '14
All right, I isolated the users uniqueID and but the code isn't there. Could it be anywhere else?

I know for 100% it's their ID.

ross Team
ross Apr 27 '14
Please provide screenshots of the ow_base_component_entity_setting` table
Stephanie Apr 28 '14
I found the error, it's inside the entity chache as well 
ross Team
ross Apr 28 '14
Have your resolved the issue?
Stephanie Apr 29 '14
ross Team
ross Apr 29 '14
Alright, i'm going to mark this thread as Solved.