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Information / Feedback bar not showing | Forum

Sean Apr 24 '14
I have an ajax function that runs, and is supposed to display a feedback bar at the top id the function succeeds or fails.

I can see that the function runs correctly, and using the Chrome console I can see that the correct responses are being returned, however, the feedback bar is not displaying when the function succeeds, I have this code:

"$( document.body ).on('click','#ofchatroom_tribute',function(){

var sender = $(this).attr('sender');

var receiver = $(this).attr('receiver');

var amount = $(this).attr('amount');


url:  '{$tributeURL}',

data: { 'sender': sender ,'receiver': receiver ,'amount' : amount },

type: 'post',

success: function(data){

if(data.result == 'success'){ 


}else if(data.result == 'error'){



Like I say the correct responses are being returned but the bar isnt showing :(

The Forum post is edited by Sean Apr 24 '14