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Not able to tag people in the a comment on a post - only works if you create a new post - Newsfeed Trends Twitter style | Forum

Mark Apr 25 '14

If you comment on a post and want to tag someone in the comment, the tag system doesn't work - you can only tag people in the original post?

Also if two members have a username that starts with the same letter, it only pulls up the first one, example:




it will only pull up the Aaron to select - even if you continue typing the rest of the members name, the first person is all it pulls up

Can you please help

The Forum post is edited by Mark Apr 25 '14
Musik May 7 '14
Making a note that this is the same for me as well. Is this intentional, or a limitation of 1.5.3? I haven't upgraded to 1.6 yet (waiting on the 1.6.1 release first).
Mark May 7 '14
what I found is that even thought the list doesn't populate, the tag still works - I am not sure if its a cache thing or what - but ours started working after awhile with out changing anything - we did how ever update the smiley plugin and that seem to have fixed a few issue even though on the front end it doesn't look like it has anything to do with the other issue, such as not being able to edit post, which fixed itself after the smiley update.
Musik May 8 '14
Gotcha, noted. Grats on a fix! We don't have the smiley addon or the edit comment addon, so the issue remains the same on our end.
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories May 8 '14
looking into this.
Musik May 8 '14

Quote from OxwallAccessories looking into this.
Thank you! Much appreciated.
Musik May 28 '14
Hey guys - what's the update here? Thanks!
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jun 5 '14
We should have some more information soon.  with the upcoming release of the new 1.6.3 or whatnot we have been focused on a few other tasks. We have not had any luck recreating the issue on a fresh install. 
Musik Jun 6 '14
I appreciate the update and work put into it. Thanks, guys.
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