is in fact fallen for 4 hours and I'm moniorando free
I'm still pretty sure there isn't a problem with your site. I'm still inclined to think it is a server problem. The theme you are using is very good and stable, I have modified it quite a lot on my site and it has given no problems.
As I said earlier, I have tried various operations on the site in three different browsers, and apart from the timeout, have had no problems with the site. I think Youssef has had the same results as me.
in arivxe for some months and 20 days and passes that have problems with a server ok I have credited the price of the domain,,, but I want something that works because the smiley face .....
The questions are very strange ::::
Because everything is masked .... (browsers)
Why mozilla goes with both methods,
Because the other two sites on the same server hosting space and do not have probemi of any kind?
I can not find answers
Hello everyone, and thank you for the support! I'm facing a major issue with my website on Oxwall. It seems to open and function smoothly on Mozilla, but when I try to access it on any other browser, I encounter error pages or get a "site not found" message. Does anyone have any insights into why this might be happening? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Looking for the solution of same problem as I want to add this on my web dairy queen pasteles. Let me know if you get any updates regarding this. Thanks