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Can Google Adsense be added | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Aface Aug 24 '11
Is it possible that Google Adsense can be added in the site which I created with your script.

Please let me know and if yes, then guide me too.

Thank you
Rivu Aug 24 '11
Yes, absolutely.
Put your adsence script code by going here
admin panel>plugins>advertisement>settings
Aface Aug 25 '11
But there is no Plugin like you mentioned named "Advertisement" available. Do I have to download the plugin and install or any other procedure is there to get the plugin in to the Admin panel?
Michael Leader
Michael Aug 25 '11
Yes, check the Oxwall Store on this site and there should be an Advertising plugin.  Once there, insert the adsense code into an advertisement and configure the plugin.
Den Team
Den Aug 27 '11
Here it is http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/37 ;
This plugin is absolutely FREE of charge :)
Vicki Oct 10 '11
Why isn't Google Adsense working in the HTML blocks? The Advertisement plugin is too difficult to work with and you can only put the Advertisement block on the Main page.
Obiri Mokini
Obiri Mokini May 18 '13

Please I need help.
How can i create HTML block on  other pages on my oxwall site. I have "Customize this Page" only on main and forum pages. I want to add adverts on other pages. Would be glad for your assistance. Thanks

Joseph May 19 '13
Vicki this is untrue the advertisement plugin works with 3 ad blocks there is a top and bottom ad and if you have a sidebar theme you can use it in the sidebar as well I suggest using these and adding it in the backend 
Obiri Mokini
Obiri Mokini May 19 '13

Quote from Den Here it is http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/37 This plugin is absolutely FREE of charge :)

Hello Den,

I tried two times yesterday and again today to install the advertisement plugin to my site. My site went off on both occasions. Is there anything  i am doing wrongly. I need help.

Alia Team
Alia May 20 '13
Obiri, what is your version of Oxwall?
Obiri Mokini
Obiri Mokini May 20 '13
Hello Aliia, the version is 1.4.1


Alia Team
Alia May 20 '13
Obiri, and you are trying to install the Advertisement plugin downloaded from the Store?

Issue is that Advertisement plugin that is available for download in the Store now is compatible to work with 1.5.X version of Oxwall only.

In your case  I suggest installing Advertisement plugin for 1.4.1 version of Oxwall.
Alia Team
Alia May 20 '13
try this one.
Obiri Mokini
Obiri Mokini May 20 '13
Thank you very much, i will try it now.