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I see only text on my default theme | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Labhras Aug 24 '11
Steps I took to get where I am so far , What I did was change local host to and this worked for me instead of , linux lamp server , mysql -u root -p

mysql> CREATE DATABASE "database_name";
mysql> USE "database_name;
for more information go here http://dev.mysql.com/doc/world-setup/en/world-setup.html

Now that I have resolved this issue I had for myself I have come along to the next page
copy/paste code into config.php and move using FTP , select next and I go to the next page
This was posted on another post, and I'm still having this issue below
any advise please to resolve this would be appreciated .
I installed oxwall to a local server and I see the admin page whereI can select the default themes but from the start when I put http://192.168.1.xx into my browser , I dont see any pictures , nada nothing all I see is hyperlinks and text , some of which are suppose to be links ,I can't use any theme , Iv tried chmod -R 777/var/www/ but nothing happened , http://imageshack.us/...p;   ; this is how it looks for me , I need help please

Keelan Leader
Keelan Dec 8 '11
This doesn't just happen by it self. 

1) It would be easier if you post the URL to your site so we can replicate and determine a few things.

2) What have you changed/updates/install recently?

3) Are you running the latest and greatest of Oxwall and all the plugins you have installed?

4) Have you edited the JS/Custom HTML in the admin area to add custom JS/HTML to your site?