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Page not found on Oxwall Load [Answered] | Forum

Michael Apr 28 '14

I have been running Oxwall for a year without any real issues.  What should be a easy fix has confounded me.  Several post in the Forum reference the error but the fix does not correct my issue.

When I call the site from browser address it jumps to     http://justavet.us/...ity   ; and displays the site with the message Page not found. Sorry. this document doesn't exist.

The full forum is loading and by clicking a menu item the system runs perfectly. 

ow_includes/config.php file includes  

define('OW_URL_HOME', 'http://justavet.us/patriotguardmi/community/');

Am I missing another file calling the page.

Thanks for helping

The Forum post is edited by ross Apr 30 '14
ross Team
ross Apr 28 '14
This is a bug when a software installed in the subfolder, it has been reported and will be fixed. 
Michael Apr 29 '14
Thank you.  Great User Forum.