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Event binding - User Credits | Forum

Sean Apr 30 '14
I need to bind to bind an event every time a user has their balance increase or decrease, how can I do this?

I can see the grant credits event, would this work? From what I can see it has not interaction with the increase and decrease balance functions.

Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC May 2 '14
Sean, what is the end result you would like to achieve?

Sean May 2 '14
I have a league table on my site.

For every 100 credits a member receives they get 5 points on the table. I want to bind to the increase credits function, so that every time they receive credits their position on the table is reflected immediately.

At the moment I use a cron job that runs every 10 minutes, but I need something that's instant.

If you can add in an increase and decrease credits event that would be amazing!

Sean May 5 '14
Please? :P
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC May 5 '14
Hi Sean, thank you for the explanation. Unfortunately at this moment we don't have such event in our plugin. We will add it in upcoming update.
Sean May 5 '14
Thank you! This will really help me out, and I'm sure other developers will find these events useful too
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