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Whats happend to Paul Cuff | Forum

Pete May 7 '14
I see all his plugins have been removed and his webhosting link has been removed ,how come ?
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H May 7 '14
i was wondering this aswell. he provided me with a lot of support
bobbi May 7 '14
As far as I am concerned it is good riddance he was hosting my site then his crappy servers went down he blocked me no explanations he owes me money and made me start my site from scratch I hope he never shows his face here again

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H May 8 '14
which hosting did paul provide :)
bobbi May 8 '14
no idea he was a reseller i dont know the name of the company he used, but to block me with no explanation or refunding what he owes me makes him a waste of space if i ever see of him again it will be too soon i will never forgive him for what he did
Pete May 8 '14
I asked him on facebook how come he does not go on oxwall anymore ,and he blocked me .
bobbi May 8 '14
i have to wonder if he has something to hide, i was his customer and he treated me like trash,
as i said waste of space, he just turned with no warning, in december the server he hosted crashed while backing up data this was why he closed his site but he rebuilt my database from the ashes, then he did the platform update which in turned destroyed the my sql database he again restored the site then a month all was great then the server went down he wouldnt respond to my messages then the next day he blocked me, so that left me out of pocket, no website as he had the database he done me up like a kipper, this was early march so what turned him against me and oxwall who knows
Pete May 9 '14
Like you say he knows what he has done ,its just a cowards way out to block somebody .If that his is attitude ,don't bother .
Pete May 9 '14
Your site looks nice Bobbie ,you could do with adding a bit more content to your forum,which well help bring in more people to your site .I would add some content to all your empty forum boards
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories May 9 '14
he's a 66%er 

bobbi May 10 '14
sorry for sounding thick but what is a 66%er i could thing of more words for him but wont put them here
Pete May 10 '14
I think he means @anker
bobbi May 10 '14
derrrrrr of course lol not been awake long eyes are open brain is asleep lol

thanks for advice on my site pete i will start working on my forums to get some content in to them :)
Pete May 10 '14

Don't worry about it ,I was a bit unsure what he was saying at first .Your website looks nice ,you find the more content you can put on your website ,it tends to attract more visitors .You well find that all the best websites have lots of content ,When you think about it we all look for advice and interesting items from any website .I think content makes any website .


Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories May 12 '14
66%er  Well 33% awesome Ideas 33% awesome development 0% awesome support.

Shaun May 12 '14
He did origially host my Oxwall site until his servers went down in December.

I tried to contact him multiple times through Oxwall and his web hosting company and never got a single reply. I wasn't upset that something went wrong that was beyond his control, I was just upset that as his customer he never even tried to contact me and explain what had happend and how long it would be until my site would be put back up.

I found with Paul when he was helping he was amazing but if he was under pressure he would just bury his head in the sand and hope you would go away.

bobbi May 13 '14
who was the web hosting he used as the down time was terrible with them, you are right about him burying his head in the sand, in december he was great when the server crashed while backing up data he kept me informed rebuilt my database as the crash messed it right up, it was early march he turned, i think he has something to hide, wouldnt be surprised if the web host pulled the plug on him, but a explanation would of been nice

what has hacked me off is as a paying customer he blocked me on facebook no explanation as to why the server was down, he owes me money as well he is the lowest of the low,