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Iphone 5 and sending messages [Answered] | Forum

Mark May 7 '14

I am not sure, but there seems to be a bug..

Users of the Iphone 5 are not able to send messages on their phones using the mobile-version or the desktop-version the "send" button on the page is missing.


anyone else notice this and does anyone know if there is a fix? 

The Forum post is edited by ross May 8 '14
bobbi May 7 '14
it is not a bug, same for ipads as well

Sean May 7 '14
My members complain ALL the time about this.
ross Team
ross May 8 '14
Bobbi +1
ross Team
ross May 8 '14
Send message will be added to the mobile version in the upcoming release. 
Sean May 8 '14
The thing is though I have mobile disabled at the moment -as the Darklets theme has not been updated, and neither have a lot of my plugins yet, so the mobile version is pretty useless for me right now.

So my users are browsing the desktop version of the site on phones/ipads etc, just fixing this for the mobile version won't help my users.

The Forum post is edited by Sean May 8 '14
bobbi May 8 '14
there is a option for ipad users there is a flash browser called photon, switch on the flash part and the send button is there, this browser also works if you have the tiny chat plug in