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{text key='notifications+preferences_legend'} not showing[Solved] | Forum

Jozko May 7 '14

 The {text key='notifications+preferences_legend'} with the text "Here you can choose which real time notifications will be delivered by email if you don't show up on the site for 2 days." not showing  on any Oxwall 1.6. site, nor here on oxwall.org.

I need this message to show under my preferances /notifications.

Regards to all.

The Forum post is edited by ross May 13 '14
ross Team
ross May 8 '14
Uncomment it in the ow_plugins/notifications/views/controllers/notification_settings.html


{text key='notifications+preferences_legend'}


and the translation will appear right under the menu

Jozko May 8 '14
Thx ross. Do I need to clear cache too? after uncomment nothing happens.

ross Team
ross May 11 '14
You can enable dev mode, then disable it. This should help. 
Jozko May 12 '14
I did, but no success. I don't know what im doing wrong :-( Any other help ross?
Jozko May 12 '14
And I recognized the emails are not sent too. I set the cron job in my plesk paralles Cpanel as shown on the attached image. :-(
  cron.jpg (33.69Kb)
ross Team
ross May 12 '14
One question per topic please. Have you enabled dev mode? for the template to recompile?
Jozko May 13 '14

Yes, I enabled dev mode. What do you mean "for the template to recompile?" ?

ross Team
ross May 13 '14
All I did is uncomment that part of the code and the value appeared. 
Jozko May 13 '14
Can I PM you the ftp access details to check what I messed up? Thx in advance.
ross Team
ross May 13 '14
Jozko May 13 '14
PM sent.
ross Team
ross May 13 '14
Done, I'm going to mark this post as Solved
Jozko May 13 '14
Thank you ross.