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Theme Settings- Background colour wont change[Solved] | Forum

Katie May 8 '14
Hi there,

Ive just noticed that suddenly my sites background colour has reverted back to the themes original color and wont change back.

Also the rest of the color settings in the admin area were showing blank when I looked. I then pressed reset to see if I could fix the problem. The other color settings showed again, but the background colour isnt responding in my site.

Can anybody help me with this?


The Forum post is edited by ross May 8 '14
Katie May 8 '14
Now the other settings are reverting again. Ill show ya a pic.

...jeez!!! Ive just noticed all my css overides have dissapeared!!!!!!

How annoying!!!! I didnt save them anywhere!!!
The Forum post is edited by Katie May 8 '14
  oxwall theme problem.jpg (55.67Kb)
John May 8 '14
Hi  Katie, I try to offer my ten cents worth in my time zone while the rest of the world sleeps. Sometimes what I say seems to work, but never any promises.

I'm not sure what you mean by CSS overrides. As far as I'm aware, you actually alter the CSS when you enter that data in the Theme colour page. What could cause the problem may be an incorrect colour code. I wouldn't think it will bring the theme to its knees but who knows.

If you can still read the CSS file in Admin, take a look for a colour code with a missing #. That may be all you need to do it.

Alternatively, reload the theme. Make sure you deactivate and uninstall the original first.

And of course, always flush the Cache. I find "Cache Supreme" a free plugin ideal. It saves having to set up Dev Mode.
Katie May 8 '14
Hi John :)

Thanks for your tips but unfortunately they didnt do anything.

I was meaning the css page in the theme admin.. I have just re-entered alot of the css that was deleted, but when I went back to the theme colour settings and put in a colour code #fcfcfc, all the css code deleted again!!

Plus the original problems of having the colour codes missing (like in the picture) and also my site isnt responding to the colour changes.

ross Team
ross May 8 '14
Katie, what theme are we talking about? please enable debug mode and refresh the page. also, have you made any changes or probably installed some plugin before that happened?
Katie May 8 '14
Hi Ross,

Im using a Skadate theme ("Friends")

Ive just enabled Debug and refreshed a few times but strangley I dont see any error messages anywhere... I usually see something somewhere.

I did actually install 4 plugins today. I have since deactivated each seperatly to see if there was a change but didnt see a change. The plugins I bought are;

Stock notifications

Popup window with notifications

New User Alert Notifies Admin with an Email when an user is newly registered in your Oxwall network

Site Tour For Virtual Tour across the pre-defined site pages to know all its features. Educate new users about site. Has predefined 55 steps, Cookies and customizable.

OxArt Compressor Compress your content and static files to speed up your site

Katie May 8 '14
Oh and "Visit Notify" but that is deactivated right now.
Katie May 8 '14
I have since re-activated the four I mentioned before...should I turn them off again?
The Forum post is edited by Katie May 8 '14
ross Team
ross May 8 '14
Sorry, my bad, please enable dev mode and refresh the page, and yes, please disable all plugins which you installed before that happened. 
Katie May 8 '14
Awesome I have heaps of error message now .... funny thing to be happy bout :P Should I post them here?
ross Team
ross May 8 '14
Now, please disable dev mode and see whether the issue with the theme customizer persists
Katie May 8 '14
Wow site has just completely reverted back to original theme settings now.. pictures and all

The Forum post is edited by Katie May 8 '14
Katie May 8 '14
oh ok, I have just disabled Dev mode and the images are back as well as the css I re-entered. The themes color settings are still weird. They look like the picture I attached earlier still
Katie May 8 '14
oh Ive just put in a colour though, and last time it didnt work but it did this time! and the css hasnt been reset! maybe it is working ok now!

ross Team
ross May 8 '14
So the pictures: logo, background are back, but colors section looks the same. Is it correct?
ross Team
ross May 8 '14
Please give it some time for testing, then get back to us if it is ok or you still have the problem. 
Katie May 8 '14
Its ok, I reset the themes settings ( images and colour settings page) and everything seems to working now :) Thanks heaps for your help.

What would you suggest I do about the plugins I just bought? Id still love to use them.
ross Team
ross May 8 '14
Well, activate them by one and test everything after each activation. 
ross Team
ross May 8 '14
I'm going to mark this post as Solved. 
pooledorothyw Jul 1 '23
Hey there,

Great I was about to say the same I also have facing the same Problem with me for my Manchester taxi tour page. I also want to change. How can I fix this? Need help regarding this.