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Admin Panel[Solved] | Forum

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Marco May 9 '14
This morning when i woke up,my admin panel was all messed up?????? (see screenshot)
What can i do????
The Forum post is edited by ross May 12 '14
  admin panel.jpg (156.25Kb)
John May 9 '14
This is pretty regular on the web. It means the script isn't reading the CSS file. Try reloading the browser or using a different one. It may also be a good time to clean your Browser cache.

Whatever you do, don't panic because it may only be you who is seeing this. I get it regularly all over the net using Firefox but it eventually comes good.
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H May 9 '14
+1 John i am constantly getting this but a refresh always sorts it out
Marco May 9 '14
Thnx for the reply. I've cleaned the browser chache but i'm still getting it. But i'll take you're advise and won't panic haha
John May 9 '14
Marco, It's advisable to always have more than one Browser on your computer and IE should NOT be one of them. Try using FF and Chrome and switch between the two if things don't seem right. Never trust IE.
Marco May 9 '14
I only use FF & Chrome. Both browsers the same problem....
John May 9 '14
Your Template CSS file could be broken. Did you make any changes to it before the problem happened?

One way to test it would be to change the theme.
Marco May 10 '14
It just happened overnight. I changed the theme the but that  didn't help. I also tried it on a different computer,but still the same....
I can still acces the admin section and adjust it,but it doesn't work very easy. My members have no problems so ifit stays like this, that's ok(but i rather have it fixed)
John May 10 '14
If your members aren't having a problem then it sounds like your Browser cache.

Reloading a tab should fix it, but it may be time to delete the cache. With FF, do this:

Go to Tools/Options/Advanced/Cached Web Content. Click Clear now.

Wait until it clears . Value should go back to around 7kb of disk space.

Restart the browser and try again with fingers crossed.

Marco May 10 '14
Done that already but that doesn't make a difference. It is like this on every computer. The main site (what the members see) is normal, but the admin panel is messed up.

John May 10 '14
Marco, can you recall doing anything up to 24/48 hours before the problem occurred? You may not have noticed it immediately because the old page may have been in the cache or the browser cache. Did you make any changes to any files regardless of how small?

If it still plagues you, it's possible you may need to upload the core minus /includes.php, the ow_plugins directory and the ow_templates directory.

You can do this rather painlessly by temporally closing down the site if you wish. Just pick a quiet time and rename your site folder. You can add a hyphen in front of it like this -mysite. Create a new site folder and upload the Oxwall files into it. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL THE SCRIPT. Instead, copy /ow_includes/config.php and the ow_plugins folder over to it. That will add the original config details and all your plugins. Do the same with the ow_templates folder if you're using a 3rd party template or modified the default one.

Try running the new site. It should work. If the problem persists, it could be the result of a plugin or template playing havoc.

If the site doesn't open, you can always rename the new directory and remove the hyphen form the original one. That will get you back to where you started.

Always backup everything first!
John May 10 '14
Sorry Chris, I missed your post while I was typing mine. I did fail to mention the Oxwall cache because I had previously written a response to someone else minutes earlier about the same thing. I use Cache Cleaner Supreme from the store.


It's far better than keeping debug mode running all the time.
ross Team
ross May 12 '14
Marco, please PM me your admin details and domain name. I'll take a look at your problem with the admin panel. 
Marco May 12 '14
I've send you the details Ross.

Marco May 12 '14
Thanks to Ross the problem is solved. Thnx for the great help!!!!!
ross Team
ross May 12 '14
Problem was with the empty CSS file in the Origin theme from which all styles for the admin panels are taken, base.css file was replaced with original one. It has solved the problem. 
John May 12 '14
Thanks for letting us know Ross. I did ask Marco if he'd changed anything, but people fiddle then don't want to tell you. It really does make it difficult to help.
Marco May 12 '14
I didn't change anything in the CSS. Ross figured it out, but we could not recover what happened.
Thnx for the help all!