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Email registration not sending | Forum

Peter May 15 '14
My email verifiaction is not sending out verification emails
I created a new user and was directed opened up my email
and no email verification.
No wonder why people cannot log in to the site it just redirects them back to the email verification and I tried to hit resend but it doesnt resend
I tried "validation" on users

Any Ideas this is bothering me

Peter May 15 '14
for new users
ross Team
ross May 15 '14
go to your phpmyadmin and check if the ow_base_mail table empty, please. 
Peter May 16 '14
Ok ross

I have figured it out somehow when i clicked on everyone can join sent created a new account then put it on mabdatory user approval and sent out another email account
all worked.

Still cannot get my mass email to work though
Krunch got it to where i can finally get the html block up set so i can add images etc

But when i click to send to users it does not send

Maybe only to specific members

Let me know ross
ross Team
ross May 18 '14
Make sure you cron job is properly configured. You can contact your hosting provider to get the right command to use. 

"But when i click to send to users it does not send" You mean you don't get any e-mails or you get some kind of an error or message?