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Google blocked my Oxwall website because of malware | Forum

Mihai May 22 '14
My website runs a closed community for a highschool reunion. We are just 50 people in the community (former colleagues).

Last few 2 days before receiving the Google warning I noticed that my website was running very slowly and it was waiting some website to load: centrirousseau.org. I found a script in a file (I really don't remember which was - index.php from root or other) and I deleted that script, but it didn't solve my problem. 

Any idea how to recover the website ?

Is there any way to reinstall a fresh copy of oxwall plus the members activity saved prior from database ?

Mihai May 23 '14
If it helps, this is the website address: lmtvcraiova.microhost.ro
ross Team
ross May 23 '14
Please, disable all suspicious or any third-party plugins and javascript codes you used before this issue occured. 

It has nothing to do with the default software. 

 Please check this link: http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=AS:50939&client=chromium&hl=en-US

It says that several websites on this network has the same issue, which means the malware in on the server. Contact your hosting provider to check this issue. 

Mihai May 23 '14
How can I disable plugins or javascript codes if I can't access the website ?

Can I make a fresh install of the software, but saving all the members activity ?

ross Team
ross May 23 '14
Why can't you access the website it is accessible via firefox