Steve,Oxwall uses MVC,that's not work the way you think,there is no index.php,but Oxwall is the best,it gives you the ability to customize,for adding meta
you need to create a controller or use the one already exists
you need a method,lets call method name "head"
head() is like this:
$document = OW::getDocument();$document->addCustomHeadInfo('<meta property="fb:app_id" content="XXXXXXXX">');
you can add as much as meta you need using $document->addCustomHeadInfo()
now create a method for binding head() in Oxwall event to run on every page
public function bindEvents() { OW::getEventManager()->bind(OW_EventManager::ON_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_RENDER, array($this, 'head')); }
now you need to open your init.php,it's because Oxwall checks init.php on every load,you should create an instance of your class,if you are using singlelton pattern you should do something like this :
create and instance directly
$ctrl = new PLUGINNAME_CTR_Filename();
it' done,the meta you wanted now is it in <head> section.
FYI,if your plugin is not public and just yourslef using it,you can use admin Options,there is an option in admin area which allow you to add custom string info to head or can get the parameter you want from JS