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Time limit to edit replies | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Crewdog Sep 11 '11
Is there a way to set a time limit that a user can edit a reply on a post?  Also, a way to restrict users from deleting their own post would be nice.

For example, they have 1 minute to edit, then after that they can't edit and must post new post.

I see this on a lot of sites and I think it's a good feature.  When a discussion is going on and someone goes back and edit/delete their own content it affects the discussion.

Some people don't like this setting, others do.  Therefore, if each admin had the way to control it on their own site it would be good.
The Forum post is edited by Crewdog Sep 11 '11
Den Team
Den Sep 13 '11
No, there are no such options for the forum. 
Crewdog Sep 15 '11
Thanks for the reply. Is this a custom code modification?
Den Team
Den Sep 16 '11
Yes, it can be done via custom modification :)