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does not work oxwall :/ | Forum

Massimo Jun 7 '14

I have a huge problem with Oxwall! I installed Oxwall with MOJO MarketPlace on my host (bluehost) but oxwall not work for me! I can not add plugins in my social networks! I see only "available plugins" and "installed plugins" but there is no "add new plugin": '((How can I do? HELP!! : (((

  Immagine.png (41.43Kb)
JB Tech (FoxTechs)
JB Tech (FoxTechs) Jun 7 '14

This usually occurs when a database doesn't get setup 100% correctly or mostly when you transfer from Wall.fm to a host and use Oxwall. Here's the solution:

"Such problem appears after migration from wall.fm to oxwall using "Data importer" plugin. To fix it, just run this query in your phpMyAdmin:

INSERT INTO `ow_base_menu_item` ( `prefix`, `key`, `documentKey`, `type`, `order`, `routePath`, `externalUrl`, `newWindow`, `visibleFor`) VALUES ( 'admin', 'sidebar_menu_plugins_add', '', 'admin_plugins', 3, 'admin_plugins_add', NULL, 0, 2), ( 'admin', 'sidebar_menu_themes_add', '', 'admin_appearance', 3, 'admin_themes_add_new', NULL, 0, 3);


And you can view the solution's original topic from here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/3698


The Forum post is edited by JB Tech (FoxTechs) Jun 7 '14
Massimo Jun 8 '14

what is this error?

John Jun 8 '14
Hi Massimo, it looks like you never followed Jake's instructions and that's caused the error. You didn't enter Insert Into. That will insert the instruction into ow_base_menu_item.

Please try it exactly as Jake has suggested:

INSERT INTO `ow_base_menu_item` ( `prefix`, `key`, `documentKey`, `type`, `order`, `routePath`, `externalUrl`, `newWindow`, `visibleFor`) VALUES ( 'admin', 'sidebar_menu_plugins_add', '', 'admin_plugins', 3, 'admin_plugins_add', NULL, 0, 2), ( 'admin', 'sidebar_menu_themes_add', '', 'admin_appearance', 3, 'admin_themes_add_new', NULL, 0, 3);

It's best to copy and paste.

Den Team
Den Jun 9 '14
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
Massimo Jun 9 '14
I don't have ox_base_menu_item

i have all.... rmc...




How can i do?

Massimo Jun 9 '14
Massimo Jun 9 '14
ross Team
ross Jun 9 '14
it's just different prefix, insert it into rmc_base_menu_item
Massimo Jun 9 '14
Massimo Jun 9 '14

Massimo Jun 9 '14

this is only a problem!

Massimo Jun 9 '14

ross can try yourself? please .. 

I just can not: '(

ross Team
ross Jun 9 '14
PM me your phpmyadmin access details