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Newsfeed update | Forum

Max Sep 18 '11
Hi !
After update of newsfeed, the activity don't  appear immediatly.
For exemple, if i post something on the wall, it show immediatly. But if I refresh the page, the last activity disappear.
5 minutes later, the activity is display.
Bug of the update ?

Thanks !
Andre Pan
Andre Pan Sep 18 '11
I'm missing some activities in newsfeed here on my site either.

BTW, the newsfeed doesn't update itself automatically like facebook or google+ activity stream?
Den Team
Den Sep 19 '11
Sorry Max, but I didn't get your point. Would you give more details and screens?

Currently no, you need to refresh it to get new updates. 
Max Sep 20 '11
I took scrrenshots :

I publish something on the newsfeed :

I refresh the dashboard with F5 : The content disappeared :

3 minutes later, the content is back ^^ :

During 3 minutes, the content is not show..
Do you understand my problem ?

Thanks !
Den Team
Den Sep 21 '11
I got your point )
Did you put this comment "Test" on your dashboard or something else? What is your site URL?
Max Sep 21 '11
Yes I put this comment on the dashboard.
While the 3 minutes, the comment is always display on the 'main' but no in the dashboard.. Strange :/
the url is geekngeek.com
 Thanks !
Den Team
Den Sep 22 '11
Find it. 
Newsfeed has it's own cache optimization system for highload sites. This glitch is a bug in cache system. Will fix it with next update :)
Max Sep 22 '11
Ok Addenster, thanks for the reply.
Great thanks to the developper for your work !
Cecil Dec 29 '11
Hi all, hope you had a good xmas and a great new years just around the corner. :)

Question !
In regards to the "live activity feed" like facebook, I currently have a few sites running latest oxwall versions and non of these have an instant update ? everybody has to refresh their page for them to see the updated post/comment etc. 

Is this right ? and if not does Oxwall intend to have this "Instant Page Update" without refresh or are my sites not working correctly. Everything appears fine when you F5 refresh but I was hoping people didn't need to do that like Facebook.

Many Thx and all the best for New Years !.
Michael I.
Michael I. Jan 3 '12
Cecil, consider about posting a suggestion to the oxwall.uservoice.com, and probably we will add it to the next build.
Cecil Jan 8 '12
Good idea :) Thanks/

Added to uservoice!
Hadi Kamell
Hadi Kamell Jan 9 '12
so nice
Cecil Jan 10 '12
I feel Oxwall deserves this addition to the feature list and will probably bring a 10 Ten Fold reception to the "newcomers".

Cecil Feb 8 '12
I must top this thread as I think many were hoping for this to be in the 1.3

Any ideas when this could be implemented ?


Glassiboy Feb 27 '12
Their Have Problem Of Newsfeed , I Can,nt Able To Write On My friends Wall(Not Showing Any Field To Write) But On My Dashboard I Can Write But That is Not Spreading Comments To My Friends
Adhy Musaad
Adhy Musaad May 18 '12
how to?
Michael I.
Michael I. May 21 '12
How to what? Adhy, be more specific in your requests.