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Missing event icon in newsfeed | Forum

Andre Pan
Andre Pan Sep 19 '11
In Newsfeed, event icon's url is http://myowsite.com/...ent/event_icon_1.jpg, which doesn't exist at all, the actual thumbnail icon generated by event plugin is tailing with a string of hash code like this event_icon_4e76cc6201d21.jpg

Den Team
Den Sep 19 '11
This means that event's icon was changed after it appeared in newsfeed area.
Andre Pan
Andre Pan Sep 19 '11
Is there any solution or will be fixed in future release? For now I have to change the icon file name to event_icon_1.jpg on FTP
Quote from Addenster This means that event's icon was changed after it appeared in newsfeed area.

Den Team
Den Sep 20 '11
Yes, we are working on it.
Cartonic Mar 12 '12
I was to late whed I digged a bit more on this and I already posted my isuue on forum. I think my newsfeed has to do with this cache issue too. It didn't come with 1.3 update or it will come in the next one?