Other than that, it works fine. It's just really recommended to use it on an online server I guess. Again, thank you Ross for the help! :)
1. Create a folder on wamp/www, e.g. "oxwall". And unzip the oxwall archive in wamp/www/oxwall
2. Create a database on phypmyadmin, e.g. "oxwall".
- Databases Tab > Type 'oxwall' in text field > Create
3. Create a user
- "oxwall" database on sidebar > Priveleges Tab > Add User > Fill in the Form (e.g. Username: oxwall_user, Host: localhost, Password: (generate pass and take note of it)) > Make sure user is granted all priveleges on database "oxwall" > Check All Global Priveleges > Add User
4. Make sure Apache rewrite_module is enabled.
- WAMP icon > Apache > Apache modules > rewrite_module
5. Make sure your mysql port is 3306.
- WAMP icon > MySQL > my.ini > Find "port" and make sure it's equal to 3306
6. Go to wamp/www/oxwall/ow_core/database.php, edit it and find PORT:
$port = isset($params['port']) ? (int) $params['port'] : null;
and change it to
$port = isset($params['port']) ? (int) $params['port'] : 3306;
7. Go to localhost/oxwall and install. There may be errors (at least mine had), but it would install anyway just keep clicking "continue" or "finish". And probably don't install some plugins first. Just do it later after installation on admin panel.