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Need help customizing my theme | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Azia Underwood
Azia Underwood Sep 19 '11
So my social network is centered around wrestling and combat sports. Usually I am pretty good with customizing CSS but this is just a lot for me to tackle when I also have to make several graphics for the site as well.
So I need a little help in customizing the theme I chose (AerialPlusPlus) to fit the center of my site (wrestling/combat sports)
I didn't put up a job for this because I really have no money to pay for consulting on this. So if anyone can give me a general overview of what I need to do then that would be great.

I like this theme but its a customized macabre theme http://anime-addicts.wall.fm/
Mickael Sep 23 '11
I don't think anybody will be willing to help you if you don't describe what you want to do.

Center the site ? It think you would need to find the first div, add one  before then
make 3 div inside that new one, one of them would be "your first found div".

in the css put the same value in % to each div around "the first found div"
to have something like 15% 70% 15% size and if i remember well that will centered your main content/site..

But i guess you'll find many css way to do it.

Azia Underwood
Azia Underwood Sep 23 '11
I've been holding off on it anyway because every time I try to edit some css I hit my resource limit at my host. I wanted to look at a good starting point (which is to make the page container larger), also i wanted to customize the headers to each section on the main page; I believe they are called caps. I want to contain the page container in a border; whenever I have really tried that it failed so it's been a struggle. The near  blindness doesn't help either p it only hinders, ya know?