Last night the site crashed and get server error 500. The tech for my isp checked on it for about an hour and said it's not the server, but the software's problem.
So, TODAY (Tuesday) I reinstalled the program again. Now, in the first install, email validations went out just fine. But now in the 2nd and current installation, they are not going out at all.
Here is my BIGGEST problem. As admin, I updated my profile, it then sent me to page asking if I wanted to send validation email and like an IDIOT said yes and logged off to see if I would get the validation email. Well, I DIDN"T. NOW, even though I can log in with my id/pw, it keeps sending me to the page asking me "Do you want to send the validation email?" and there is NO way I can figure out how to get around that darn page.
ANY help anyone?