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buy credits page - User Credits | Forum

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 18 '14
is there a way to show the users credits total on the buy credits page ??
{yousername} you have {credits_count} credits left 

Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Aug 7 '14
Tammy, requires custom code modifications.

"My Credits" widget is available on user's dashboard. But widgets can be placed only on component page ( Dashboard, Index, Profile, Sidebar). "Buy Credits" is a regular page, so there isn't any easy ways to place it there.

As an alternative you can use a theme with sidebar and show "My Credits" widget there.
Make sure to edit plugin's activate.php file to show the widget on Index page instead of Dashboard:

$placeWidget = $widgetService->addWidgetToPlace($widget, BOL_ComponentService::PLACE_INDEX);

Once this is done, deactive >activate the plugin > go to your index page >customize > move the widget to sidebar. 


tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 7 '14
yes since i asked this question a hundred years ago lol
you have update the plugin and i dont need that code
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Aug 14 '14
Have missed this question of yours for some reason. Decided to reply in any case. May be this will be helpful to other users =)
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 14 '14
theres few problems in new credits version
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Aug 14 '14
I am currently preparing the replies to all questions related to the new version of our plugin. I will post them on forums shortly.
Kelvin Aug 20 '14
Is there a way to show the members credits total on the top right corner ? so members can always see their total credits. and can you make some cool fonts that make credit score look more pretty like a real money ?
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Aug 21 '14
Kelvin, first of all I would like to point you that we do have a widget showing user's balance on "Dashboard" page: http://www.oxwall.org/...89-Screenshot-46.png

A lot of users here also have the credit balance within the console:

Since this is not our native feature, then it means that someone has already created a plugin to show credits within the console. I recommend searching Oxwall store by "credits" keyword.
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