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Update newsfeed | Forum

Jaime Pascual
Jaime Pascual Sep 22 '11
Hello: I can not update newsfeed. When I try this I can see "You need update pluggin DB". I say "yes" and the system has broken.

The Forum post is edited by Jaime Pascual Nov 2 '11
Den Team
Den Sep 23 '11
What exactly error do you receive after you click "Yes"? DId try to make a manual update? More details please.
Jaime Pascual
Jaime Pascual Sep 23 '11

I write my data. A valid data of course.

I have tried manual instalation for newsfeed but the output is the same.
The Forum post is edited by Jaime Pascual Sep 23 '11
Den Team
Den Sep 26 '11
It seems that you have already updated newsfeed before but with some errors. Would you list the content of ow_plugins/newsfeed/plugin.xml file? There is an actual version number in this file.
Jaime Pascual
Jaime Pascual Oct 1 '11
This is the content of plugin.xml file. I restore my site with a backup. Now works fine but I cannot update newsfeed for the error list after.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <plugin> <name>Newsfeed</name> <key>newsfeed</key> <description>Newsfeed with likes and comments, Facebook-style</description> <author>Oxwall Foundation</author> <authorEmail>plugins@oxwall.org</authorEmail> <authorUrl>http://www.oxwall.org/foundation</authorUrl>; <developerKey>e547ebcf734341ec11911209d93a1054</developerKey> <build>3484</build> <copyright>(C) 2009 Oxwall Foundation. All rights reserved.</copyright> <license>The BSD License</license> <licenseUrl>http://www.opensource.org/...hp</licenseUrl>; </plugin>

Thank you
The Forum post is edited by Jaime Pascual Oct 1 '11
Den Team
Den Oct 5 '11
Did you restore database too? Try to remove "ow_newsfeed_tmp_action" table and try to update again?
Jaime Pascual
Jaime Pascual Oct 6 '11

Quote from Addenster Did you restore database too? Try to remove "ow_newsfeed_tmp_action" table and try to update again?
Hi: this solution not work. Another idea? Thank you
Jaime Pascual
Jaime Pascual Oct 28 '11
I do it.
1. Backup all site with your hosting tool.
2. Backup with Data Exporter plugin
3. Uninstall newsfeed plugin
4. Install newsfeed plugin
5. Restore backup made with Data Exporter, with Data inporter plugin.
Jaime Pascual
Jaime Pascual Nov 2 '11
Hello. This problem persist. I thought I had fixed it, but not.
Can I reinstall all my site? But I think that if I restore DB, problem will be not fixed, isn't?
Den Team
Den Nov 3 '11
Well, in this way you can fully remove newsfeed plugin and install a fresh version. 
It seems your newsfeed's table were corrupted previously. 
Jaime Pascual
Jaime Pascual Nov 3 '11
Thank you Addenster, but if I remove newsfeed plugin I will lost all content.
Can I make a backup of DB tables? What tables do you recomend? 
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 3 '11
The issue Addenster is expressing is the fact that the DB for the newsfeed has some how got corrupt so if you restore the backup its possible that this issue will continue due to your newsfeed tables being corrupt.

You could take a backup of the database, uninstall and remove newsfeed and install a fresh newsfeed from the store. Test it if it works then try to add the backup if it fails then you know its an issue with the newsfeed tables in which case you would have to sacrifice losing the newsfeed content.
The Forum post is edited by Keelan Nov 3 '11
David Oct 7 '19
How does one go about do a fresh install of the newsfeed?
Quote from Den Well, in this way you can fully remove newsfeed plugin and install a fresh version. 
It seems your newsfeed's table were corrupted previously. 

Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Oct 9 '19
David, please open a new topic for your question.